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Almond Butter and Banana Sandwiches

Who doesn’t love a yummy snack?… Well if you’re a snack lover like me, I’ve got the perfect snack for you!

These delicious and healthy little treats make for a great snack, dessert or part of any meal, and the best part? They’re super easy to make.

Bananas are a good source of potassium, an electrolyte that’s key for proper muscle function and relaxation, and is also important for promoting balanced blood pressure. Potassium is also a key nutrient for hydration and fluid balance too.

Although bananas often get a bad wrap because they’re higher in sugar than some other fruits, they do contain key nutrients like potassium, and they also contain prebiotics. Prebiotics are key nutrients because they act as food for healthy gut bacteria called probiotics (other sources of prebiotics include asparagus, garlic, onions, cabbage, beans, and bran). Healthy gut bacteria is key for weight management, insulin regulation and more.

These tasty snacks are easy to make, and you can even add other ingredients that you love…  like chocolate!

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